Source code for process_nwb.utils

import numpy as np
from scipy.fft import next_fast_len
from datetime import datetime
from import tzlocal

from pynwb import NWBFile

[docs]def dtype(X, precision): """Return the type to cast to depending on precision and whether `X` is complex. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Input data. precision : str Either `single` for float32/complex64 or `double` for float/complex. """ precision = precision.lower() if precision not in ['single', 'double']: raise ValueError(f'`precision` should be either `single` or `double`. Got {precision}.') if np.iscomplexobj(X): if precision == 'single': return np.complex64 else: return complex else: if precision == 'single': return np.float32 else: return float
[docs]def log_spaced_cfs(fmin, fmax, ncfs): """Return log-spaced center frequencies. Parameters ---------- fmin : float Minimum center frequency. fmax : float Maximum center frequency. ncfs : int Number of bands to generate. """ return np.logspace(np.log10(fmin), np.log10(fmax), ncfs)
[docs]def const_Q_sds(cfs, Q=8): """Compute constant Q bandwidths for a set of center frequencies. Parameters ---------- cfs : ndarray Center frequencies. Q : float Q value for the wavelet. Default = 8. """ return cfs / Q
[docs]def chang_sds(cfs): """Compute variable bandwidths for a set of center frequencies used by the Chang lab. Parameters ---------- cfs : ndarray Center frequencies. Q : float Q value for the wavelet. Default = 8. """ scale = 0.39 return 10. ** (np.log10(scale) + .5 * (np.log10(cfs))) * np.sqrt(2.)
""" The following code is based on MNE-Python Copyright © 2011-2019, authors of MNE-Python All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ def _npads(X, npad, ratio=1.): """Calculate padding parameters. """ n_time = X.shape[0] bad_msg = 'npad must be "auto", "fast", or an integer' if isinstance(npad, str): if npad == 'auto': # Figure out reasonable pad that gets us to a power of 2 min_add = min(n_time // 8, 100) * 2 npad = 2 ** int(np.ceil(np.log2(n_time + min_add))) - n_time npad, extra = divmod(npad, 2) npads = np.array([npad, npad + extra], int) elif npad == 'fast': npad = next_fast_len(n_time) - n_time npad, extra = divmod(npad, 2) npads = np.array([npad, npad + extra], int) else: raise ValueError(bad_msg) else: if npad != int(npad): raise ValueError(bad_msg) npads = np.array([npad, npad], int) # prep for resampling now orig_len = n_time + npads.sum() # length after padding new_len = int(round(ratio * orig_len)) # length after resampling final_len = int(round(ratio * n_time)) to_removes = [int(round(ratio * npads[0]))] to_removes.append(new_len - final_len - to_removes[0]) to_removes = np.array(to_removes) # This should hold: # assert np.abs(to_removes[1] - to_removes[0]) <= int(np.ceil(ratio)) return npads, to_removes, new_len def _trim(X, to_removes): """Trim the padding. """ if (to_removes > 0).any(): n_times = X.shape[0] X = X[to_removes[0]:n_times - to_removes[1]] return X def _smart_pad(X, npads, pad='reflect_limited'): """Pad vector X. """ other_shape = X.shape[1:] npads = np.asarray(npads) assert npads.shape == (2,) if (npads == 0).all(): return X elif (npads < 0).any(): raise RuntimeError('npad must be non-negative') if pad == 'reflect_limited': # need to pad with zeros if len(x) <= npad l_z_pad = np.zeros((max(npads[0] - len(X) + 1, 0),) + other_shape, dtype=X.dtype) r_z_pad = np.zeros((max(npads[1] - len(X) + 1, 0),) + other_shape, dtype=X.dtype) return np.concatenate([l_z_pad, 2 * X[[0]] - X[npads[0]:0:-1], X, 2 * X[[-1]] - X[-2:-npads[1] - 2:-1], r_z_pad], axis=0) else: return np.pad(X, (tuple(npads), 0), pad)
[docs]def generate_synthetic_data(duration, nchannels, rate, high_gamma=True, linenoise=True, seed=0): """Generate synthetic data by smoothing white noise with a boxcar for testing or tutorials. Optional high gamma and 60 Hz linenoise can be added. Parameters ---------- duration : float Data duration in seconds. nchannels : int Number of channels rate : float Sampling rate in Hz high_gamma : bool If True, include extra modulating power in the high gamma range. linenoise : bool If True, include 60 Hz linenoise. Returns ------- neural_data : ndarray (time, channels) Synthetic neural data """ kernel_length = 50 rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) neural_data = rng.standard_normal((int(duration * rate), nchannels)) / 100. kernel = np.ones(kernel_length) / kernel_length for ch in range(nchannels): neural_data[:, ch] = np.convolve(neural_data[:, ch], kernel, mode='same') neural_data /= neural_data.std() * 2. if high_gamma or linenoise: t = np.linspace(0, duration, neural_data.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis] if high_gamma: # Add a high gamma signal at 100 Hz that modulates at 2 Hz phase = 2 * np.pi * rng.random(nchannels)[np.newaxis] high_gamma = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t * 100. + phase) phase = 2 * np.pi * rng.random(nchannels)[np.newaxis] high_gamma *= np.sin(2 * np.pi * t * 1. + phase)**2 + 0.2 neural_data += high_gamma if linenoise: # Add common noise but with different weights to each channel weights = rng.standard_normal((1, nchannels)) if rate > 120.: for ii, hz in enumerate(np.arange(60., rate, 60.)): line_noise = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t * hz) / 2. ** (ii + 1) neural_data += line_noise * weights return neural_data
[docs]def generate_nwbfile(nchannels=4): """Generate an `NWBFile` object that an `ElectricalSeries` can be added to. Returns ------- nwbfile : NWBFile NWBFile object Device : Device Device for the ElectricalSeries electrode_group : ElectrodeGroup ElectrodeGroup for the ElectricalSeries electrodes : Electrodes Electrodes for the ElectricalSeries """ start_time = datetime(2020, 12, 31, 11, 28, tzinfo=tzlocal()) nwbfile = NWBFile(session_description='Demonstrate `process_nwb` on an NWBFile', identifier='NWB123', session_start_time=start_time) device = nwbfile.create_device(name='ECoG_grid') electrode_group = nwbfile.create_electrode_group('Grid', description='Grid', location='cortex', device=device) for idx in range(nchannels): nwbfile.add_electrode(id=idx, x=1.0, y=2.0, z=3.0, imp=float(-idx), location='cortex', filtering='none', group=electrode_group) electrodes = nwbfile.create_electrode_table_region(list(range(nchannels)), 'Electrodes') return nwbfile, device, electrode_group, electrodes