Source code for process_nwb.common_referencing

import numpy as np
import warnings

from hdmf.backends.hdf5.h5_utils import H5DataIO

from pynwb.ecephys import ElectricalSeries

from process_nwb.utils import dtype

[docs]def CAR(X, mean_frac=.95, round_func=np.ceil, precision='single'): """Compute the common average reference across channels. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, (n_time, n_channels) Input timeseries. mean_frac : float Fraction of the channels to include in the mean. Between 0 and 1. `mean_frac` must include at least one channel. `mean_frac = 1` is equivalent to the mean. Lower fractions interpolate between the mean and the median. round_func : callable Function which specifies how to round to the channel number. precision : str Either `single` for float32/complex64 or `double` for float/complex. Returns ------- avg : ndarray, (n_time, 1) Common average reference. """ X = X.astype(dtype(X, precision), copy=False) n_time, n_channels = X.shape if mean_frac == 1.: avg = np.nanmean(X, axis=1, keepdims=True) else: n_exclude = int(round_func(n_channels * (1. - mean_frac) / 2.)) if 2 * n_exclude >= n_channels: raise ValueError avg = np.nanmean(np.sort(X, axis=1)[:, n_exclude:n_channels - n_exclude], axis=1, keepdims=True) return avg
[docs]def subtract_CAR(X, mean_frac=.95, round_func=np.ceil, precision='single'): """Compute and subtract the common average (mean) reference across channels. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, (n_time, n_channels) Input timeseries. mean_frac : float Fraction of the channels to include in the mean. Between 0 and 1. `mean_frac` must include at least one channel. `mean_frac = 1` is equivalent to the mean. Lower fractions interpolate between the mean and the median. round_func : callable Function which specifies how to round to the channel number. precision : str Either `single` for float32/complex64 or `double` for float/complex. Returns ------- Xp : ndarray, (n_time, n_channels) Common average reference. """ X = X.astype(dtype(X, precision), copy=False) X_CAR = X - CAR(X, mean_frac=mean_frac, round_func=round_func, precision=precision) return X_CAR
[docs]def store_subtract_CAR(elec_series, processing, mean_frac=.95, round_func=np.ceil, precision='single'): """Compute and subtract the common average (mean) reference across channels. Parameters ---------- elec_series : ElectricalSeries ElectricalSeries to process. processing : Processing module NWB Processing module to save processed data. mean_frac : float Fraction of the channels to include in the mean. Between 0 and 1. `mean_frac` must include at least one channel. `mean_frac = 1` is equivalent to the mean. Lower fractions interpolate between the mean and the median. round_func : callable Function which specifies how to round to the channel number. precision : str Either `single` for float32/complex64 or `double` for float/complex. Returns ------- X_CAR : ndarray, (n_time, n_channels) X with CAR removed. elec_series_CAR : ElectricalSeries ElectricalSeries that holds X_CAR. """ X =[:] X = X.astype(dtype(X, precision), copy=False) rate = elec_series.rate avg = CAR(X, mean_frac=mean_frac, round_func=round_func, precision=precision) X_CAR = X - avg elec_series_CAR = ElectricalSeries('CAR_' +, H5DataIO(X_CAR, compression=True, shuffle=True, fletcher32=True), elec_series.electrodes, starting_time=elec_series.starting_time, rate=rate, description=('CARed: ' + elec_series.description)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) CAR_series = ElectricalSeries('CAR', H5DataIO(avg, compression=True, shuffle=True, fletcher32=True), elec_series.electrodes, starting_time=elec_series.starting_time, rate=rate, description=('CAR: ' + elec_series.description)) processing.add(elec_series_CAR) processing.add(CAR_series) return X_CAR, elec_series_CAR